(567) 312-0672

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We believe that everyone is created in the image of Christ and that God has a plan for their lives. True freedom comes from being in relationship with Christ.

We help individuals find freedom from life-controlling addiction by placing them in an environment where they can build relationship with their Creator. Our program is founded on the principles of Scripture, which is the basis of healing, restoration, and life recovery. 


We exist to help those with life-controlling problems become free from addiction, mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive!



We treat people like Jesus did, with eyes of grace while speaking the truth.


We live to become more like Jesus and invite as many people to come with us.


Everything between the long-distance vision to the day-to-day tasks, our ministry is worth our very best effort.


 God’s resources are managed faithfully and with transparency.


The men, women, and teens in our care are treasured by our Savior, and we are honored to serve them.